Before you vote . . .

I have two rules that I apply in the voting booth. I recommend them for your consideration.

1. Anyone who says that government can never do anything right should never be put in charge of the government. They will only prove themselves correct.

2. Anyone who thinks that government can do no wrong should be kept safely away from any position of power. They will invariably screw things up, and blame someone else.

Also suspect is a candidate who refers to the government as “them.” Such a person demonstrates a fundamental misunderstanding of the Constitution. Under the Constitution, the government is “We, the people of the United States.” Teddy Roosevelt echoed this principle with: “The government is us; we are the government, you and I.”

It is worse if the person referring to the government as “them” is an elected official. In this case, I see only three options: 1) the speaker is a demagogue and is trying to stir up voters who don’t know any better; 2) the speaker is unwilling to assume responsibility for his or her actions; or 3) the speaker is suffering from some mental disorder. I don’t want to be represented by any of the above.